1. Internet Store accepts payments made by:

a) PayPal service
b) traditional bank transfer

Internet Store bank account details:
ING BANK ŚLĄSKI: 59 1050 1113 1000 0091 2918 0387

Magdalena Dwornik
ul. Bulowska 4
32-652 Bulowice

2. Payment should be done immediately after placing an Order, so that the amount due is posted to Internet Store`s account within a maximum of 7 working days counting from the day of placing an order. Otherwise, if the Store will not receive the payment within a week, the order is considered ineffective and the Internet Store won’t complete that order.

3. Transactions supported by PayPal and Przelew24 services ensure the highest level of safety. New methods of data encryption in combination with the world-class hardware platform guarantee the reliability of performed transactions. More information about those payments methods can be found at www.monito.com/pl, www.paypal.com/pl.